Sunday 30 March 2008

Playing Hooky

Is it really that bad to skip an occasional class or lecture? I've been thinking about this, and I'm not sure I know the answer.

There's a difference between having to skip one, for say a hospital appointment, or unavoidable circumstances such as an accident in the family or an illness. Then I don't think it's being bad at all, it's just unfortunate circumstances, bad luck, and bad timing. That's definitely not being bad.

However I think it's bad to use one of these as an excuse to skip class for a less than appropriate reason. Say you wanted to go Christmas shopping, so you pretended you had a dentist appointment. That's kind of bad, but it's still your problem. You can admittedly skip all the classes you want - your lecturers won't really care, and the only person you're cheating is yourself. If you keep on doing it, you won't get your student loan any more.

For me, though, I think the worse thing you can do when skipping a class is to not give a reason at all. It would be quite rude if you told the lecturer you'd decided to go to Birmingham for the day instead of going to class, but it's also very rude to not email your seminar leader and tell them why you didn't turn up. (This doesn't hold true for all lecturers, it has to be said, since some of them have no idea who you are).

When I was at secondary school I only ever missed class once, and that was because I had to go to a careers meeting at a local college, and instead of coming straight back to school afterwards, I went home and watched Panic Room with my best friend. We didn't want to go to a Physics lesson. In college I never skipped class, I enjoyed it too much there.

And at university? Only a couple of times, when I've been feeling a bit poorly. But there was that time I decided not to go to 'Being Bad', and instead went to see Frankie Boyle live.

So there's irony for you.

I did a bit of googling on the subject of skipping class and playing hooky, and bizarrely found this website which helps kids play hooky without getting caught so easily. The internet, o how I love it so.

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