Tuesday 8 April 2008

Body Modification

I really don't think body modification is a bad thing if it is with consent and full knowledge of what is going to happen to you. It's really just a matter of personal taste.

Being really bad is stuff like Chinese foot binding (which I can't even google for, it freaks me out so bad). That is assault and mutilation (and if you look at it a certain way, it's kind of like torture isn't it?). Things like piercings and tattoos are fine by me though, and it was interesting to see the different cultures in the lecture. I don't really understand genital piercings but whatever funkys your monkey, so to speak.

The more extreme things like 'Cat Man', the man who is trying to turn himself into a tiger and has legally changed his name to Cat Man, are indeed a bit weird, but this guy isn't hurting anybody. Except maybe himself, I don't even know how whisker implants would work. Also having your ears 'clipped' into points sounds a bit painful, but you could see it as just a guy with a hobby. He's not hurting anyone and he's perfectly within the law - in fact he's probably helping people when he's like this, along with 'Lizard Man', otherwise Channel 4 would have to find something else to put in their weird documentaries.

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