Wednesday 9 April 2008


Since one of my idols is the great Mr. Eddie Izzard, it has never occurred to me that being a transvestite was weird.

Apparently all transvestism is, is:
the practice of cross-dressing, which is wearing the clothing of the opposite sex.

This can apply to both men and women. So surely most women these days cross-dress; I can't remember the last time I saw lots of skirts around university, instead of trousers. It's not so socially accepted in men, however, which to me seems a great shame. I can see why people think it makes men effeminate, but surely that's the whole point and there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

If you're going to dress as a girl, you're going to look girly. That's the point.

After a bit of googling on the subject I found there's a whole market for it, including one really clever idea called 'The Boudoir Dressing Service', which allows men to dress as women and gives them total make-overs and photo shoots.

I think it's wicked that, slowly, very slowly, this sort of 'deviant' behaviour is becoming more accepted.

A good example of how it is being accepted is this entry, the Kit Kat Dolls, on Britain's Got Talent, which was a drag act which made it through into later acts.

1 comment:

Nusarat said...

Last week I went out with some friends and we saw a transvestite on the dance floor I did not know he was a transvestite because he was dressed as a female. Later my friend told me I thought ok that’s his choice what he wants to be but I was concerned when he entered the ladies toilets. Should there be separate toilet for these people? Because they are on the border line I am not sure whether he was just a transvestite or transsexual or both I am confused.