Monday 14 April 2008

Comedy Throwbacks

So, bad comedians. From the off, I am a HUGE comedy fan, I go to gigs, I love the damn stuff. However, I have never been able to appreciate the 'genius' of Messrs. Manning, Chubby Brown, and Davidson.

The kind of material that they use is a complete throw-back to the times of Alf Garnett, where it was acceptable to say the things they do. A man in the lecture said that these comedians should not be censored but I absolutely think they should be, and occasionally they are. Take Hell's Kitchen for example. Jim Davidson was asked to leave the programme for referring to co-team member Brian Dowling as 'a shirt-lifter', amongst other things.

What happened there was out-right bullying, which just goes to show that these comedians actually believe some of their material. This makes them not-subversive, but homophobic, sexist, and racist. You can just barely get away with it in a comedy routine, but it does not make it justified. Remember when Michael Richards went on that huge racial rant during a gig? In the space of one evening one of the US's best loved stars went to public enemy number one, and rightfully so.

Why should these people be given free speech when they will do nothing but incite hatred? Yes, the more educated amongst us will laugh at them, not with them. But there is always that minority who agree with them, and I believe that is now unacceptable.

Leave that kind of humour to times past. In today's society there is no place for it.

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