Monday 21 April 2008


It's obvious that you can't justify infidelity, because it hurts people. But why are people drawn to it? I think it depends on the person. Some people want more excitement back in their lives, when their marriage is on the rocks. Other people genuinely fall in love, and go about it completely the wrong way because they're too frightened to admit to their partner. And some people are just pathetic and see it as a kind of game, to see how much you can get away with before you're caught.

However, I discovered this website. allows you to, for the measly sum of 5 pounds, name and shame anyone who has cheated on you. Now, yes, infidelity is an awful thing, and there should be some kind of divine justice served upon those who do it, but similarly I feel a bit uncomfortable about this website. I see it as a violation of privacy, as well as just bad taste. I can understand the attraction - everyone who has been cheated on wants revenge - but there's such a thing as attaining the moral highground.

I don't know - maybe I won't fully understand this until I have been cheated on myself, but I really don't get why anyone would do this. I have more idealised versions of infidelity stuck in my mind, like Brief Encounter, or even Butterflies. That's because though the people involved were in love, they were not foolish enough to throw away their life through sex, and nothing ever came of what they could have had.

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